God Moments

A Young Girl

A young girl was wearing her Hope Sweatshirt while working in a small retail store when a middle-aged lady walked in. The lady came to the counter to pay and the lady stopped – looked at this gal’s sweatshirt and said – the image says HOPE, God Loves You! She said God does not love me, the teenager said, but God does love you, the lady said for the second time, God does not love me, the teenager said with more passion but God does love you, the lady said for the third time God cannot love me because of all the bad things in my past. The young gal went on to explain we are all broken and sin but God will still forgive us if we ask him for forgiveness. The young girl asked the lady if she could pray with her and for her; the lady said yes, and started to cry. The teenage girl prayed with her right there at the check-out and after the prayer, the lady lifted her hands towards the heavens and said Thank You, Jesus!

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